
This a blog page that delivers expressions and presents elements of creativity. I hope you find it interesting and insightful, without bias or discrimination.
‘All opinions are my own’

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3 Responses to About

  1. cgree2013 says:

    Like your Profile 🙂


  2. Wahyu says:

    I make my Sabbath day Friday. I tell my congregation that they can alawys reach me for life-and-death emergencies, but routine stuff on Fridays will have to wait. I don’t check church voice mail or church email on Fridays. For the most part people have been good at honoring this boundary. My biggest boundary is in my own mind. It’s hard to turn off the church switch on Fridays, to not alawys be thinking about church stuff. If I’m taking a day to rest, I want to truly disengage from my weekly routine and be completely engaged with my family and close friends. It’s a struggle to keep the church switch off, but I’m doing better at listening to the Holy Spirit remind me to not turn the church switch back on. I have found that setting aside a true Sabbath day is the single-greatest thing to help me keep my boundaries at a healthy place throughout the rest of the week.


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